Part 33: Friends and Heroes
Roxis was doing some alchemy earlier.
Video- Roxis 3

Watch Us Co-Op!
Flay was getting quite bored, and when Flay gets bored he messes with us.

Nice adjustment. Here, let me lend you a little power.

Ah, this will be more

Roxis has been working pretty hard lately.

Since he got his Mana, he has a lot more will, too.

He was a studious one to begin with.

But its boring.


Its time he should be moving on to the next step. Right, Vayne?

What am I supposed to say?

Hey, Roxis!

You dont have to yell. I can hear you just fine.

Try doing a Co-op Synthesis with Vayne.


Co-op Synthesis
Flay sure picked a good way to do it, too.

I can.

Me, too.

Same here.

Its really quite simple.

M-Muppy, too

Its an unavoidable path for you to become true friends. Now do it!

Okay, I dont mind

Thats just stupid. I can synthesize on my own

Oh, you wont do it? That means youre going to break our promise

W-wait! Ill do it, okay? Ill do it
Just follow my lead, alright?

I-Ill do my best
Well, we certainly tried.


Oh oh oh?

There, there

Hey! I told you to follow me.

I thought I did
Thats strange.

Try it again. You better do it right this time.

But we just couldnt get it right.


Hahaha! You talk mighty big for that!

Vayne! Stop bringing me down!

But, Im just doing it like usual

Hm, is this a fight? I wanted to see you two as friendly partners

Ah, no, this

Just wait. Give them one more chance.

Oh? You sound like you have an idea.

Roxis. Do you know a book called Secret Tips! All about Co-op Synthesis?

Ive never heard of it.

Its a legendary book that is said to be kept in the depths of the Mana Ruins.
Ancients say, centuries of researched notes about syntheses are recorded

Flaya, that sounds

Way too fishy

Hoh! Such a book does exist?

Yes! It is indeed Gods will!

We need to go find this book immediately. Youre coming, of course.


If you dont go, who will?
Neither of us really wanted to go, but Roxis Mana was insistent.

If you cant Co-op Synthesize, I dont think youre really friends.
Let me reconsider my future place

That again
? Fine! Ill go if thats what you want!

Hoh hoh. Glad to have a master who understands.

Come on, Vayne!

Flay, it really does exist, right?

Have I ever lied to you?

Okay, Ill go.
Roxis complained the whole way.

Come on. If it really exists, then its lucky for us

Thats true, but the fact that its you and I

Makes you so very happy, doesnt it?

Yes, exactly!
Sure enough there was a suspiciously fresh chest nearby.

Its so obvious he just put it there yesterday
And its just a textbook.

But look, the title says Secret Tips! All about Co-op Synthesis.

Evidently in handwriting. He couldve at least used some creativity

Why dont you read it? You might even find an unexpected discovery.

How is that possible?

Umm, lets see
Co-op Synthesis is between two alchemists. It is important to be in sync.

Its our Freshman textbook

Co-op Synthesis will not be successful if you try to do it alone.
Try not to get in the way of each other. Try to have the heart to help them.

If you follow this, Co-op Synthesis wont be difficult.
In addition, if the two alchemists skills go up, an infinite possibility

Thats enough.

Okay, yeah. It only says the basic, obvious points. Theres nothing new

It really is the basics. It was only basic, thats all, and I

Huh? What?

Nothing. Lets return to the Workshop.

What? But I still

No worries. Im sure itll work fine now.

Im not totally sure what we did differently, but things worked out fine this time.

Well, there was only a normal textbook

Vayne, were going to try it one more time.

Huh? Oh, okay

Heh heh heh

This is where we messed up last time

Itll be alright. Trust me.

We did it

Thats it, huh? I couldnt even do this

Perfect. It seems the Secret Tips! All about Co-op Synthesis worked.

Because of you, I guess I should be thankful.

Oh hoh. Your blushing face is reward enough for me.

No ones blushing

Thanks to you, I was able to see a good who. Quite a schemer you are.

I shall take that as a compliment.

I dont quite get it but
I guess its good.

And its a good thing, overall
Video- Flay 3

Watch Us Be A Hero!
Flays really serious about this hero thing.

Th-this is just

Not yet! One more time!

As long as a voice calls for help, well be there.
While evil exists in this world, we

No! If you blush there, its more embarrassing. This is our oath!

Its impossible
I cant do it

Have it mastered by next time! Next up, pose training!

Please let me off
When I heard a scream I thought at least itd save me some trouble, but not so much.

Mh, a scream that could cut through silk!?

Thank heavens
I mean, oh no! Lets head over there, quickly!

Indeed! But before that, its time to transform.

Why are you taking your time? We should hurry.

You speak as if it doesnt pertain to you. Come on.

Me too!?

Of course! What kind of hero doesnt hide their identity!

Oh no
He had a mask for me to go along with his, and once we were ready we headed down to the Library.
Martha: Th-that monster. It took my bag, and its my favorite, and

Hrm. So, your favorite bag was stolen by a monster that suddenly appeared.

Howd you figure that one out

Im fluent in helpless victim. So, which way did the monster go?
Martha: O-over there

Alright, leave it to us. Lets go, Vayne!

Dont use my real name!

Sorry. It slipped. I mean, lets go, #2!

I hate this
Martha: Um
Who are you

This isnt the best time, but its the only way to generate accurate press.
To protect the weak who cry form evils atrocity, new heroes are born!
Alchemists of love and justice! Our names

Hey, lets go already. This is too embarrassing.

Hahaa! Dont blush!

I dont think I can ever turn back now
Martha: Um
Your name
We saw the monster with the bag deep in the resource center.

Dont let it escape. Hold it right there!
Theres no place to run. Leave the item and back off. Or else

Flay, you sound like a bad guy.

Nrgh. If youre gonna complain, then you say it.
You can do it! Show me the beats of your heroic heart of justice!

To steal a girls bag is an outrage. Even if the sun lets you slide

That just sounds cheesy.

Oh, you dont like it
? I read it in a book the other day
Monster: Ghee! Ghee!

Looks like he wants some. Hahaa! Ill counter you to pieces!

That sounds evil, again
The monster wasnt that strong, fortunately. Unfortunately, we attracted some attention from someone else who lives here.

Hah! Hes all bark!

Well, were gonna take the bag back, okay?
Monster: Khyu!

Whats that noise?


Oh my, who might you be? Do I know anyone who wears masks?

She cant

Dont worry. They cant see through that easily.
Monster: Khuu. Khuu.

What happened? Mmhm
Oh my! They bullied you and took away your bag?

Th-thats not true!

So, youre bad guys. Ill never forgive you!
Fortunately we managed to convince Pamela of what had happened without her figuring out who we were, though I dont know how that worked.

Oh my? Really?
Monster: Khuu

What? You were going to give it to me as a gift?
Monster: Khuu. Khuu!

But thats wrong. I wont be happy with something you stole.
Monster: Urkhuu

Im sorry he caused you so much trouble

We dont mind. We are this schools defenders of justice. If youre in

Lets go return it to her. If we talk too long, she might figure it out

You coward
Fine. Good day, maam!

Wait. At least tell me your name
Theyre gone.
I feel like Ive met them before
Maybe its just my imagination.
We returned to the Campus Grounds afterwards.

Whats with the long sigh?

It was tiring, and embarrassing and I was scared they would know

But that girl was happy.

Well, thats true

We worked hard to see that smile
Isnt that enough?

I gueN-no! Its not. You can make it sound nice but you cant make me

No need to know. Your heart is already lit with the burning fire of justice!

N-no it isnt! Thats not true

Hahaa! Just rest easy for the rest of today.

A heart of justice? No
maybe just a little.
N-no! I didnt just think that! Not at all!
This hero thing is really tiring